John Mulhall CPA

We Buy Small & Mid-Sized Companies

We Buy Small Companies

For over 30 years we have been helping entrepreneurs grow their companies and develop exit strategies to achieve their personal and financial goals.

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About Us

We are patient, experienced investors with a proven track record of growing small businesses.

Small Company Expertise

We focus exclusively on buying small, profitable companies.  We are an ideal partner for owners seeking liquidity, families completing generational transitions, and managers seeking to acquire their companies.  Since 1988 we have successfully worked with management teams to achieve the company's goals.

Long-Term Patient Investors

Our goal is to invest in improvements that build on past successes.  We are patient investors with a long range view, guiding and supporting decisions based on meeting long-term growth objectives.  We are not in the business of flipping companies.

Growth Capital

In addition to investing funds to grow the business to the next level, we provide our 30 years of global experience across a wide range of industries.  There are not many issues and obstacles that we have not encountered before.

Business Turnaround

We have a proven record of helping businesses achieve successful turnarounds that protect both investors and creditors.  We begin by regaining control of cash flow and then working quickly to identify the real cause that led to the crisis.  We implement strict accounting and reporting procedures that provide valuable information needed to make informed decisions immediately to improve profit and cash flow.

Our Unique Approach

We recognize the significant economic and emotional investment that owners have in their companies.  We begin by obtaining a thorough understanding of the owner's personal objectives in regard to the transaction.  Compensation, management participation, commitment to existing employees, impact on the family and other owner consideration serve to guide the process toward the ultimate goal of maximizing owner value.

Please contact us today at (203) 444-5955 to explore how we can work together.

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